Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Friday, July 2, 2010

A Southern Greeting

Hello from Southern US! We've spent the past couple of weeks at an orientation program for our upcoming work in Korea. Now we're nearly done with it and tomorrow we get to head up to be with Nate's family for a week. We've enjoyed great southern cooking, although I shied away from trying grits this morning... maybe tomorrow.

I don't have pictures to post or much time to write, but I thought I'd put a quick note on here that we are well and have soaked up quite a bit of info on cross-cultural adjustments and the TCK experience. It's been tiring and we're looking forward to the next couple of weeks with family and just resting. Sorry I'm so quiet on here... we're just soaking up our short time in America!

1 comment:

Moryam said...

Moving to Korea and you're skittish about grits? I guess squid might be easier to swallow ... you can let us know how they compare ;)