Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Thursday, June 17, 2010

We're Off!

It's 6:53 am and I'm packing up the computer. The past few days have flown by as we have packed up our Indian lives and the time has now come to leave our mountain cottage. We'll miss so much from here... especially the people we have come to know and love in this place.
Now for a loooooonnnng taxi ride straight to the airport (we hope to get there within 12 hours!), and then our flight leaves tonight: 15 hours followed by 3 more hours. We are so thankful for how God has kept us healthy the past few days and provided for all our needs so that we are starting this journey somewhat rested. We're very excited to see some of our family in about 38 hours!! Thank you for your prayers as we travel.


laurap said...

Praying!!! Cannot believe the day is here. I GET TO HUG YOU SO SOON!!!!

Unknown said...

Go well, our blessed kids!!! We are holding you each one as you travel that LONG way. Getting excited!!!