Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My sister's visit

My sister came to visit us!!! Above is a picture of us at the Taj Mahal a couple of weeks ago. We were tourists for a week while Nate's sister and family were here, so we have lots of pictures (like over 1000) from our week of traveling around seeing sights together and it was really fun.
One thing that my brother-in-law wanted to do in India was ride an elephant. Since none of us had ridden an elephant before, we thought it was a great idea to hunt down a ride. Elephants are much taller than camels, which we also rode - I didn't realize they were that much bigger.

My sister's favorite animal is the elephant.

Back at Redwood Cottage, we've been being lazy each day - sleeping in, watching movies, playing games, talking, eating, going for walks sometimes. It's nice to just hang out. My sister and I made Fiskebak's bread (honokaka), which we subsequently devoured as you can see in the picture above.
My mom sent some bubble bath for the kids. Will thought it was great! Annie didn't like it one bit until we found a toy for her to scoop it up with. Thanks for all the treats, mamma!

Aunt Yad has been humoring the kids in every way - even crawling into the school bus with them so Will can drive her to the train station. :)

And my sister gave me an early birthday present - she cross-stitched the little table cloth above for me. Isn't it beautiful?!
That's all for now. I'll post some earlier pictures of our time with Nate's sister and family sometime too- just wanted to share a glimpse of life here right now. And today we woke up to snow!! I love the snow! We've had excellent weather- so nice and warm, and then today it's snowing. SO NICE.


Anonymous said...

So glad the kids could enjoy the bubbles - well Will at least. Enjoy the special treats. You guys are SO special to us. Eleanor's doyle is really nice. Well done, Yaddle!!! And good for you for baking fiskebacksbrod. Wow. We're coming over for chai and bread this afternoon. :) mamma/mormor

Anonymous said...

fun times! wish we were there! mom