Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

some fun pictures

There she is- you can almost hear her insistant "NO!", can't you? (she's got that word down!)
Brushing teeth is one of the kids' favorite activities. We sometimes find ourselves almost threatening to withhold this privilege if other duties aren't fulfilled like picking up toys quickly, obeying, being nice... :) Whatever works, right?

Above is a picture of them playing on the car-map quilt I made for them this summer.
Will riding his bike in monsoon- the clouds behind and below him covering the valley.
And here's how we look when we go shopping, visit friends, go to school, take a hike, go to church... -go anywhere really.


Anonymous said...

who'da thought that sunny little girl could match dark looks with her uncle danny? i laughed out loud when i saw that pic! danny has a toothbrush that lights up for one minute... he just wants to make it light up, though, without brushing his teeth all that time... will, you look good on that bike... and riding in the clouds! and that is a mighty handsome husband you have there, sweet joie! love you! mom

jsmarslender said...

Thanks for posting these, Joie!

Joanna Goodman said...

priceless. I always love seeing the photos :)