Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Thursday, May 21, 2009


Here's a list of some random things in our lives and on my mind these days.

-Annie is a "do-it-myself" girl. Don't you DARE pick her up when she's walking somewhere, or she'll squirm out of your arms. Don't try to help her with anything! She WILL do it herself.
-We own a pack-n-play for the first time ever and it is an amazing gift- Annie can't climb out!!! WAHOO! (Huge thanks to our friends who gave it to us!)
-I have been sleeping well now that the kids aren't coming to jump in my bed at 3 am every night - yippee!!
-I can't do a pull-up (even though I think I'm strong since I carry my kids everywhere... I guess I'm not that strong-oh well.)
-Will spends most of his time banging plastic bowling pins on the coffee table as a make-shift drum.
-When Will is not 'drumming', he is usually playing guitar, piano or trumpet
-I took Will on a date to a student recital yesterday and he just sat riveted- his eyes glued to the musicians, taking everything in. Yesterday evening he added viola and clarinet to his repertoire of instruments he 'plays'. This kid likes music.
-Will likes to say "I know." - and if you don't reply with "I know you know", he'll prompt you. It's one of his favorite things to hear people say (especially his Pappa).
-The other day we had to hike up the mountain in a hailing thunderstorm - monsoon is on it's way.
-Annie now says "o-oh" like a native 'american' speaker (hmm this could be confusing...) and she tries to mimic all our other words with varying degrees of success.
-My honey bought me a garden hose and there are a couple of buds coming on my garden plants. -I made candles last week and I worked on my Hindi a tiny bit.
-My days are generally exceedingly lonely and dreary and I feel completely forgotten...
-I'll be missing my little brother's wedding in 9 days! :( Wish we could be there.


Anonymous said...

Hi Joie. Well I can't do much about your being lonely, you are not forgotten. You are on my list of blogs to check daily, so we are keeping up on you two.
I know a bit how you feel. It can be lonely here too.
Cousin Dave

the misses of the blisses said...

Im enjoying reading about Will and Annie! We are SOOOOOOOOOO excited to meet Annie and see Will again... I think he was about 3 months old the last time we saw him. We have a pack and play that Annie can use here too! We will see you guys soon!

Anonymous said...

i love you, joie! mom