Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Monday, August 2, 2010

home life

Welcome to our new home! Here you can see some make-shift drumming going on. It's a noisy place to be sure!
Annie has three huge floor-to-ceiling closets taking up about half of her room. Her bed just fits in the other half. It's snug, but she's happy because in one closet she has a shelf with her clothes on it and with the clothes down at her height, she can dress herself. Here's a picture of her sitting in her closet in front of her clothes shelf. We have a lot of windows in our apartment. Will loves to stare down at all that's happening below us. Often he shouts: "What's that, Mamma?!" and I have to go and tell him that it's a cement mixer or a garbage truck. He's enjoying watching city life.
Annie spends a lot of time re-packing her backpack with legos and other assorted toys. Then she wanders around telling me, "I'm ready to go on an airplane, Mamma." That's what she was doing in the picture below - check out how she's dressed for her next airplane ride. :)


Anonymous said...

SOO cute! You guys must be liking it there huh? Thanks for posting pics!

Anonymous said...

It's fun to see some of your new apartment! Hopefully within a week we'll be in ours, too :)
Emily H