Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

nothing new

I don't have much to write about and no pictures to post since our nice camera lens broke a month ago. I miss pictures. I'm not very good at figuring out what to write on here and I'd rather have pictures tell stories instead. Maybe a list will do for today.

-Will can now recite Psalm 23 - he includes a few comical errors from time to time, but his pronunciation and intonation are adorable and it's rewarding to have completed this 6-week project. Quite a feat for a 4-year-old.

-On Sunday we made wordless books for our little family 'church' time. I let the kids use staplers for the first time and they loved that! Will mostly understood the story too, I think.

-Will often says things like: "When I die, I will see God." and "Let's pray I'm gonna die in Korea"- he has a fascination with death and soaks up Bible stories and knowledge about God like a sponge. I am amazed at his interest and understanding. And Korea is all he knows besides India-smile (although sometimes if you ask him where he's from, he'll say Canada because we have friends who talk about Canada).

-Will now colors things in! It was an exciting breakthrough when he figured out that it's not so bad to stick with a project and color the whole thing in instead of giving up after a minute of trying.

- Annie likes to use markers - but her marker usually ends up on her cheeks, chin, clothes, walls, chairs... you name it. She also likes keys and changes her clothes about 50 times a day (usually putting on other people's clothes instead of her own).

-My most recent declaration about Naptime: "Naptime is for sleeping. And being quiet. And leaving people alone!!!" - I stated this to my almost 2-year-old who insists on getting out of her bed as soon as I leave her room every nap and bedtime. Replacing her every 5 minutes makes MY 'naptimes' very exhausting.

Perhaps that's enough for now. I'll try to think of something interesting to write about next time.


Anonymous said...

I love your recounting of the kids and life there at your house. We are praying so much for little Will and Annie that they will know and understand at an early age the deep, deep love of the Lord Jesus for them each one. Way to go Will on Psalm 23. :) mormor/mamma

Unknown said...

Good job, Will! :~) Is there any way to record him doing that? It will make for a fun trip down memory lane later on.

I like your list. :~)

Anonymous said...

Will, I am so glad you can say Psalm 23! Will you say it for me when you come to my house next summer? Annie, you color with markers like Danny does sometimes; we call it "coloring outside the lines." Joie, I remember wondering if the struggle of naptime was really worth it. Just as I would relax into a chair, or pick up the thread of a story, some kid (a girl, I'm almost certain) would absolutely shatter my nerves by yelling, "Can I get up, yet?!" Do you know how much chocolate it takes to recover from a shock like that???
Love, Mom

Beth said...

Naptimes are for leaving people ALONE! I love it and I am going to steal it!

the misses of the blisses said...

wow! I am speechless about the Korea comment.... Im glad he got to eat strawberries here. Kids are amazing. :)