Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Friday, October 30, 2009


Annie is obsessed with twisting up her hair into terrible knots. She just sits and twirls away at it until it's nearly impossible to get out. Here's the most recent knot up close. (She puts these things all over her head.)
In other knot news:
-I took Annie and Will to join the Preschool class at school this morning (as we have a habit of doing on Fridays), and the class got to spend about an hour in the gym climbing wall area. Will and Annie both got into harnesses and 'climbed' up a little bit on the walls. (Don't worry, they were securly fastened with ropes and knots), and they got to swing briefly way up high. They LOVED it.
-"KNOT" bad: Will hasn't had a seizure in 10 months! We praise the Lord for medicine that he takes well.
- "KNOT" great news: the Pappa is packing his bag up for a week-long hike, and we'll be on our own for too many days. He hasn't left yet and I already can't wait till he gets back.


Anonymous said...

Joie, I used to twirl my hair too, when I was a kid. Sometimes my mom had to just get the scissors. Oh dear - is this hereditory? also, praying for you guys left at Redwood Cottage while the master is gone this next week. Keep looking up. mamma/mormor

Anonymous said...

I think it was one of Peg's girls who got her winding finger quite stuck in her twisted hair!... Later on, Ruthy did the same thing... Mom