Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Thursday, July 23, 2009

skype rant!

Sometimes I just get angry.
So I bought some sort of 'online number' on accident on skype instead of buying their unlimited country deal that comes with an online number. somehow that confused me enough to think that if i clicked on the 'online number' thing, i would get the same thing i used to have. but no.

now I'm mad. what use is an online number to me anyway? it sure was expensive especially considering that it happens to be UTTERLY USELESS to me. the worst part about it is that whenever i do these sorts of stupid things, i have a little nagging picture that plagues my little brain: I'm holding a brand new 20 dollar bill in my hand, lighting a match, and burning it up right there.

grrrrr. that's what it feels like i've just done. there is no customer service for skype, it seems, so there's no way to explain my mistake and get the product that i intended to buy. and that makes me frustrated.

so anyway, those of you who have skype, we can skype together. and if you want to call my awesome amazing cool online number, you're welcome to leave me a message, and possibly, if i happened to be signed in at the time, we could talk (but i don't honestly have any idea how it all works and maybe they won't let me talk cuz i haven't paid them more money!). anyway this has just crushed the last of my efforts to keep in touch like this, and i will not be buying another skype whatever-it-was- i-wanted-to-buy-in-the-first-place until i have a lot more energy to talk on the annoying telephone/computer thing.

Just take a breath for a minute (in true skype fashion -ha). -And this is all just to say that at the heart of my frustration is that feeling of so often being the one to make the effort to keep in touch. But when I am honest with myself, I am pretty sure that everyone feels like they're the only one making all the effort, and that's just cuz i'm self-centered and i don't notice all the effort that others put into reaching out to me. SO thanks to all of you who read my blog. thanks for listening to the complaints and rants i have sometimes, and thanks for understanding when i feel this way. I really do appreciate all the emails and phone calls and notes and packages and things that people send my way and I DO know that i'm not the only one making the effort in my relationships.

...after all, I'm the one that moved to the opposite side of the globe. :-(
I miss you, friends and family. thanks for listening (and understanding why i'm not calling you anymore-smile). (p.s. I think I'll be ok and I hope you recover from reading this!)


jsmarslender said...

Ah, Joie. Skype, skype, skype, skype. Drives me nuts sometimes. Email me to set up a time to chat (after a good deep Skype breath). We'll be around here for awhile yet and I wouldn't mind just a bit of girl chat too. Missing you on the other side of the world. : )

Anonymous said...

burchell girls rant. it seems to be unavoidable. you were not priviledged to witness my hometown-clinic-rant the day i tried to get a strep test for danny. i could send you a transcript, if you like. i think i scared off most of my "hitting the wall" e-mail list... it might have been the part where i referred to the receptionist as a dragon. not to her face, thankfully! it is always reassuring when i get a reply that, in essence, tells me "i love you, anyway!" even better are the ones that let me know, "i completely understand!" we are human. and i just want you to know, fellow burchell girl, that i love you wholeheartedly, and i completely understand! (and i'm sorry i'm such a poor skyper, myself!) big hugs! i miss you!! mom

Unknown said...

Love you, Joie!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your heart, Joie. We understand, and we just wish the distance was not so big. Hugs - BIG ones - across the miles.

Steph said...

Hey Joie, have you guys ever heard of "Magic Jack"? Its a device you buy - plug one side into the computer (need internet), the other into a regular phone. The service costs $20/year but you get unlimited calls to the U.S. for FREE. Also, you get a U.S. phone number which others can call for free, and if they leave a voicemail it goes to your email!

The device itself costs $20 ($40 actually but it includes the first year of service).

We have spent more than $20 on skype credit this year we've been in Mexico, so we are thinking it will be worth it for us as we look toward our next three years in Scotland.

The only downside is that it does cost something minimal to call other countries. Only the U.S. is free. So, the value of it for you would depend on how much you call the U.S. vs. other countries. check it out at magicjack dot com

Just thought I'd share in case this could work for you guys. Yes, a very painful thing about being away is keeping in touch! It takes a lot of effort, but it is worth it.

Blessings to you guys!

Joanna Goodman said...

I did this, too, Joie, and gave skype a lot of money for nothing :( And just ask Ron all the silly things I've done that I thought would be brilliant ideas and really just wasted money. Besides the book club that ripped me off, Ron really loves the time I decided to become an at home travel agent. hm... Now I tend to think twice... or thrice...