Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Sunday, April 26, 2009


This rose bush seems to barely survive each year. And this year, it's giving me beautiful little bunches of yellow roses.
(He's cleaning the moss off the gate, in case you are wondering.)

Annie just loves getting all dirty and then she calls out "BAA" demanding that we give her a bath.
Here we are, watering transplanted irises (using the stored rain water, don't worry!)
I learned about siphons at an early age from my dad. We siphoned kerosene into our fridge in Africa, as I recall. But I whipped out my recollections of how it should work and impressed my husband who had no idea that I was siphon-savvy. Will and I used a bucket and short hose to water plants that were far from the spigot. It was much more fun than just dumping the bucket of water on the plants! :)


Anonymous said...

So glad God is giving you little bunches of beautiful yellow roses. Just a little taste of His Goodness and His love for you these days!! And also so glad that He has given you creativity in managing your kids in the mud, the outdoors and the watering process. Oh what joy and wonderful blessing-nuggets to remember. :) Treasure these moments! mamma and pappa

Joanna Goodman said...

Good job impressing the husband with your siphon-savvy :)

Anonymous said...

How many mouthfulls of kerosene does it take to become siphon-savy ?

[sounds like a good joke lead - in]

Dad in WI