Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

lest i forget

Not a story or pictures about my kids, nor any helpful deep thoughts this time. I've just stumbled upon some lonely days when all the emails I receive are spam emails, when every phone call I make on skype is frustrating (due to technical problems that make it so I can't hear a single full sentence from the other side) and my real-life interactions with people besides my family are few and far between and usually fairly awkward.
So I sit and wonder what things are like for the people I love and I spend the days feeling far far away and trying to make the days count as I play with the kids and take care of the house. In any case, instead of leaving a silent blog (as I'm sometimes driven to when I have nothing positive or beneficial to say), I thought it'd be helpful to write about some of the things that make me happy these days (in no particular order). Lest I forget...
-putting things into containers
-when I got to build a snowman with my little boy last week
-dancing with Annie and hearing her deep, full laugh of sheer glee
-when Will called to me from his room asking me, "Mamma, is this an H?" - and it was!
-seeing the brightly colored alphabet magnets all over my fridge
-my new couch cushions!! (this should be another blog post)
-our electric blanket and warm bedspread from Sweden
-we received many useful things this week from some friends who are leaving - we will miss them, but the items are a huge blessing.
-pumpkin bread!
-oranges- the best ones I've ever had here
-no seizures in about 7 weeks
-my man- a bigger blessing than I could have ever asked God for, or imagined existed
-did I mention my kids and my husband?!

It's ok to be lonely sometimes. I find that when I'm lonely, I am finally still enough to hear some of God's gentle whispers. He's been reminding me to be thankful and full of praise. And I will always wonder why God gave me such a passion for filling containers - give me some leftovers and a pile of various sized containers and I'll go to town! What are the things that make you happy?


Anonymous said...

I feel happy when the sun shines, when I get new cello music (even if I can't play it yet!), when I look at my clear plastic canisters of different types of beans and lentils and dry peas, when I swing open the cupboard door to reveal ten colors of fiestaware, and when I see my kids lined up in our row at church and they all have shoes on!

jsmarslender said...

I feel happy when the cookies don't burn, when I bike downhill on the way home from school, when Claire smiles and giggles, when I catch Justin watching me from across the room, when I get to read a new blog post : ), when I run, and when the day is quiet.