Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Friday, December 19, 2008

Radha Bhavan and Old Age

Here's the view to the east from Radha Bhavan. If you click on this picture, you can see it much larger and if you spot the TV tower (located in the top center-right of the picture on the farthest ridge you can see), our school is located just below that and a little farther away. We go to church right next to that tower. You really should click on the picture and look at the up-close view of this- it is our town - sprawling across the mountain ridges. You can see how the houses and shops just stack on top of eachother making the most use of the space, and I'm sure that nothing is 'up to code' especially considering that the Himalayas are still active...

Anyway, of UTMOST IMPORTANCE here is that on the day that I took this picture, I had Will and Annie with me and my little 3-year old WALKED all the way home (yeah, from where I'm standing taking this picture to farther than that TV tower in the distance!) He's an amazing hiker!! Go Will.

This is Radha Bhavan- a huge crumbling mansion with a nice flat field where the neighbor kids play cricket. The picture is taken from a steep hill overlooking the mansion. The above pictures are up-close parts of the ruin.

Here are my kids- all dressed up for the Christmas Chapel service.

I often think how neat it is that though I won't be alive to see my children in their old age, God allows the very young to somewhat resemble the very old. This picture invites me to imagine Annie and Will as aged siblings in a retirement home someday. Only God knows the number of each of our days, but I think old age is a precious gift and I enjoy envisioning my children as great-grandparents someday long after I'm gone. :- )


Anonymous said...

Will and Annie are so adorable!The pictures of the ruins are cool!
Love Mary Grace

Anonymous said...


I'm really curious how far that hike was ! Nice pictures. I enjoy your postings, though I rarely write.

With great love,
Dad [Burchell]