Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Thursday, September 11, 2008

happenings at our house.

I love this picture! What a doll. :)
But she's trouble - "Oh NO! You caught me racing to the toilet again! Maybe if I speed up I"ll get there before you catch me." I don't think she realizes that she's caught between us here.
"Hmmm this stuff is funny and doesn't feel very nice on my knees. I guess I'll have to crawl on my hands and feet."
(Check out the cool slippers.) "How come Will's picture is so much nicer than mine? How does he do that?!"
Show and tell. Evidently Annie doesn't have much to show or tell.

Annie concentrating on her big brother. "I can't wait until they give ME a pair of scissors!"

Annie's "mad bluebird" look. Some friends spent the afternoon admiring this goofy face Annie often puts on and likened it to an angry bluebird face. :)

"Yook! Yook-a-dis!" Will, the socks go on your feet, not your hands.


Anonymous said...

Annie and Will,
You make me SMILE!
Sure do miss you.
Hugs and big silly smooches to you both,
Grandma Kate

Joanna Goodman said...

Give Annie and Will big hugs and kisses from Uncle Ron and Aunt Jo! I like the mad bluebird, and would have to agree-that description is fairly accurate!

Anonymous said...

"Will you are getting soooo big and Annie you are such a cutie with those 2 little teeth"Well you always were a cutie.Love you lots Nate,Joie,Will,and Annie!!!
Love, Aunt Mary Grace