Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Little Things...

Two OVENS! But sometimes the little things make a BIG difference!!! Check out how comparatively spacious my new one is - I think it's about 1 inch larger than the old one. Nate got me a second oven because I'm running a High School Baking Club this year with 6 junior and senior girls. It's been fun, but one tiny oven that doesn't even fit a 9X13" pan makes even one batch of cookies very time consuming. In the new oven, my bread pans will have a little extra personal space instead of fitting snugly against eachother and the sides of the oven. Here's my hand on the side of the old oven- it's really about as big as it looks. I'm so thankful for the new oven and the tiny bit of extra space, that I spent about an hour pulling out all my pans and seeing how they all fit in the new oven. What fun!
Ferns turning brown are one of the signs telling that the end of Monsoon is about two weeks away. Nate took this picture today. Other small signs are the rumbling thunder that yields no rain, and a plant that I cannot describe very well turning bright red. These are very welcome after all the wet days. Soon we will long for an occasional rain and the days will be dry and all the green will fade away.

Another little thing happened on our way home from Church today- Will tripped and banged his face up. Nate carried home home and iced his fat lip for the better part of an hour. What a great dad. Will was back to his usual perky self by this afternoon. And her is our littlest Thing all dressed up in her cute little dress from Moster Ev.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Annie are soooo cute, so are you Will!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Aunt Mary Grace