Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The crocuses on my table...

This weekend we worked in our garden a bit to try to repair a little stone wall where the mountain seems to be falling down. The monkeys have eaten nearly everything that was growing in our garden, so all that is left there are crocuses. While we were in the garden this weekend, Will went to pick some of the blossoms and Nate and I told him firmly that he was not to pick the pretty flowers in the garden. He seemed to understand, but then yesterday I came out of the bathroom only to find Will waiting for me holding out a big bouquet of crocuses. He had such a proud grin on his face and said, so sweetly, "Mamma, fwowers", that I discarded any thoughts of scolding him and instead, thanked him for the flowers. He is so thoughtful and loving, and I am so blessed by God with this son. The crocuses now sit in a vase on my table.
Here's the rest of my family:
Proud Pappa and Clean Annie

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