Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Monday, August 16, 2010

Where's the camera when you need it?!

Once a month, the stay-at-home moms group (mostly wives of teachers at YISS) goes on an outing to a park or a plaground to just get together and let the kids play while we socialize. Today was our get-together for August and I wish I had brought my camera! I've never been to such a fancy, expensive indoor kids' play area before - and my kids enjoyed it thoroughly. We would have gone to a free outdoor park, but the weather was a bit rainy, so we went to the "Children's Museum" - which is nothing like a museum. Just a big room with an area to jump around in balls and another space to play with baloons that are blowing around and another place to climb around with slides and trampoline areas and even plastic cars to drive! There was a little train that gave rides once each hour in a tiny circle to all the daring kids (Annie was NOT among them, although Will rode twice on it!), and an area that looked like a plastic pond... something... I'm out of words to explain it. Another part had a plastic kitchen area and dishes and food things for kids to play house with and Will busied himself serving up plastic containers labeled "oregano" and "dill" and passing them out to anyone who would accept him as a waiter. Annie found the short bathroom sink with an 18-month-old friend, and just soaked herself playing in the water, but had a blast. We moms spread ourselves out, some watching kids- just to be a little responsible, others of us sitting at nice tables, ignoring our kids for a couple of precious hours bought with $7.00/kid. It was very nice and I will try to bring my camera next time to show you the fancy places this city has for us to go, even if they're pricey. It's ok, it was quality time with new friends and I'll take it.


Joanna Goodman said...

sounds like fun! It reminds me of when we used to go to that place on State Street in Madison, which I'm sure is not nearly was fabulous as I remember it being, but I was completely enamored with as a child... real looking plastic food!? I thought that was amazing... Glad you had a good time, and i look forward to pictures from your next visit :)

jsmarslender said...

We have some similar play areas here - and in the heat and sand, it's a treat. : ) It does get expensive, but once in a while it's nice to get out and let Claire play with things we don't have at home. Glad Will and Annie had fun, and that you got some visiting time with other moms.