Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Monday, March 8, 2010

Since I last posted pictures:

We made sugar cookies together. The kids actually did a great job - such a good job that I just told Will that when I'm done with this post, we'll go and make chocolate chip cookies together. We're both excited to eat them!
Serious bakers!
The kids love playing in our backyard. They would never come inside if I didn't make them. And we are enjoying beautiful sunny, warm March days.
Here's the Crazy Quilt square I finished.
It turns out that Embroidery is not really all that hard, and can be quite fun. Maybe I'll make another one of these someday.

I weighed the kids on Saturday: Annie weighs 20 lbs, and Will 42 lbs. She has quite the collection of clothes and typically wears things of all sizes from 12 months to 4 T. In the picture above, her yellow shirt is 2-3 T, tank-top is 12 months, shoes are for a 2-3 yr old, tights are 2-4 T, skirt is 2T... I was hoping she'd fit 18-month clothes now, but as I pulled out summer clothes, I was glad I had held onto some 12 month stuff- she fits that best right now (since she's 27 monhths old, you know?!). GROW, ANNIE, GROW!

And a couple of posts back I mentioned that I was making pumpkin bars for 50 kids. Here are my pans of pumkin bars with maple frosting... MMMmmm! They ended up serving one group of 50 kids and another of 20 kids - and my family even got to eat a few edges! I love baking!


Joanna Goodman said...

they are serious little bakers!!

Wish I could come make cookies with you, Will and Annie!

Good job, Joie, on your quilt and baking. Maple frosting on pumpkin bars sounds delicious!

jsmarslender said...

Thanks for posting pictures. I am so, so looking forward to baking with Claire. I might let her add dry ingredients next time since she seems to love dumping things (glasses of milk, tubs of water, toy bins...).

Sarah Gannon said...

John is 9 1/2 months and 12 month clothes are perfect for him too! I bet Annie's taller than he is though. :-)