Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Monday, February 22, 2010


These days I'm really enjoying (in no particular order) :
1. early morning runs- a beautiful thing! sometimes inside on a treadmill listening to music, sometimes outside on the roads... watching the sun creep up from behind the mountains in the stillness of the morning. I am loving this.
2. great weather! now my laundry dries in just 3 hours outside in the bright sunshine. My kids play together in the dirt (and I'm longing for a summer of playing with water that won't be dangerous for them).
3. giving my kids grapes and ice cream - they love grapes and ice cream. No, not together, but it's so wonderful to give them things they enjoy. -Makes me think of God. I think He also, as our Father, loves to give us things we enjoy when it works with His plans. :)
4. my husband- he's such a great husband and I am really enjoying this 6th year of marriage to him. We communicate well and help eachother well, I feel - what a gift.
5. living availably. I feel free to do things last-minute, to invite people over, to drop in at other people's houses if they might need my company for a bit. I love being able to help where there are needs and having relationships well-enough established here that I can bring people together and encourage those who need it. I think I was made to live like this- but not every season of my life has permitted it. It's so nice to feel like I can live like this right now fairly effectively. I wonder how long it will be before I am well -enough established in the next place we live to be able to live like this?

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

I liked your comment on living availably. It takes not only time to adapt to another culture/area/people, but a culture that is receptive to this kind of idea. It definitely shows something about how open a place is. In order to live availably both you and the other people involved have to be willing to give and to receive in a spontaneous manner. How wonderful that you have been able to experience this.