Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Friday, July 10, 2009

from Korea, with love

Well I figured I'd better take a couple of minutes to write a quick post from Korea. We're leaving tomorrow and have had a wonderful couple of weeks here with my cousin and his family. It's been really refreshing, encouraging, inspiring and restful for us. We were blessed with a beautiful apartment to stay in that was only 5-minutes' walk from my cousin's place, so we had space and time to relax, and our relatives here didn't get sick of us living on top of them. I got to machine quilt a small car-map quilt thing that I plan to finish tonight and we have eaten wonderful american and korean and thai food. We got to do some touristy things and have learned quite a bit about Korea and about the US-Korean history here. Nate and I even got to spend a full day away from our kids on a date in Seoul and on the DMZ tour! We've had great weather and got to see some Korean monsoon rain yesterday while most of the days have been sunny and warm. We learned how to play settlers of Catan, which proved to be a fun game (maybe we'll play again tonight?!), and Nate got a fair share of movie-watching done. We've enjoyed getting to know little J, my kids' second cousin, and he just reminds me so much of Will when he was 10 months old. :) It's been a great vacation.

Tomorrow we start the long trip 'home'. Car to the bus station, bus to the airport, airplane to China, and on to India. Delhi promises to be stiflingly hot, but we hope to only pass a few hours there before catching the train to the foot of our mountains and a taxi up to the path to our cottage. I'm looking forward to being in the monsoon clouds again and I can't wait to see how green and full of life our mountainside is. I'm NOT looking forward to dealing with any leaks our roof has had in our absence, or the mice, spiders and scorpions that have probably moved in. We've had a great time here - God has given us a special time of refreshment in this place.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you had a time of refreshing! and that Nate got caught up on some movie-watching! Your date sounds interesting. Usually Dad and I go somewhere like Home Depot! Big hugs to you all! Mom

Anonymous said...

seems like you have a long couple of days ahead of you. Glad you had a good time! MaryGrace