Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I'm tired. For almost 15 months now, Annie has been up every night several times to scream at me and demand to have a clean diaper and a re-filled belly of milk. Now that we're home, I'm not under the pressure to keep her quiet for fear of getting kicked out of a hotel room, so I decided that she will just have to do without me at night. I still nurse her a lot (way too much?!) for her age (4-6 times/day!) and I'm sure she doesn't need a mid-night feeding anymore!!! Last night I managed to just let her scream. and let her scream. and let her scream... I watched the clock go from 1am to 3am, listening to her scream and sob. It was a very long night. I listened to her find her water cup and suck some cold water down. I listened to her flop down in her crib, angry. Eventually she fell asleep, but as tired as we awoke this morning, I wonder if my determination to 'just let her cry' is really going to help my sleep deprivation.


Deb said...


DO IT!!!

YEAH for you!

It'll be WORTH IT!!!

Auntie Deb... cheer leading for you

Unknown said...

Hi Joie,

I found your blog some time ago and have really been enjoying reading it. I empathize with you on the screaming/getting up all night. Our second, who is now 20 months old, has spent an awful lot of her young life screaming, too, including multiple times in the middle of the night wanting to get up and nurse! We also attempted to force her to sleep through the night by letting her scream when she was about as old as Annie. It worked to some degree, so it's well worth a try! Sometimes we'd have to let her scream for 2 or 3 nights, and then we'd get a week of blissful sleep...aaahh! There's hope! Our 20 month old has just recently started sleeping better through the night...finally! She now usually wants to nurse around 10:30 (when we're going to bed), and then she sleeps until 6 or 7. I'll take it! We're starting to feel human again!

Thanks for all your posts. It's a great deal of fun to hear about your family, your work, your travels, etc.

Megan Blackwell (Staples)

Anonymous said...

Oh Sweetie! Hang in there, Joie! Danny still prefers our bed to his own, but at least he doesn't scream at us. Unless we try to make him go back to his own bed. I remember Sarah not sleeping. I remember that particularly bleak brand of exhaustion. Annie's gotta sleep all night sometime... I mean, babies get tired too, don't they? I hope she gives in really soon, so you can SLEEP! I'll be praying for you both! Mom