Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Monday, February 9, 2009

just rambling

It's been too many days since I put something on here, so first off, I'm very happy to say that Annie is getting into the swing of sleeping all night long!!! Thanks for your prayers and encouragement- it has been wonderful for all of us to sleep longer at night. Will is rascally - more so by the day. Today the phone rang, and Will raced to it shouting, "I'll get it, I'll get it", but he's never been allowed to answer the phone before, and so I said, "no, Will- don't answer it- I'll get it", but as soon as the words were out of my mouth, he grabbed the phone and said, very clearly: "Hello, yeah, here you go." and handed me the phone. grrr. He DID do a great job answering the phone, but he did NOT do a good job obeying. Anyway, I guess you choose your battles when you're a mom, and maybe I will start letting him answer the phone. Actually it'd be nice to not have that responsibility... smile.
Will also doesn't eat rice very well. Especially not with dal (lentils), which is unfortunate because this is what we eat for lunch almost every day. I've tried to not pick fights with him about it, but to be firm that he must eat what he's been given... and I've been trying to be loving and understanding and have only been giving him about a teaspoon of rice on his plate each lunch. He manages to make that teaspoon grow as he sits and nibbles at it for an hour - and instead of one bite, it becomes 10 itsy bitsy bites. This has been the most maddening part of any day for me.
Today I got the brilliant idea that we could mix yogurt (his absolute favorite food at the moment) in his rice and dal (this combo is something that Indians eat frequently as the yogurt dulls the spicy dal --however, our dal is not spicy). It worked like a charm. I think we'll continue the combination and I bet I can get him to eat a normal sized portion of food this way. I'm oh SO HAPPY! :)
And Nate is happy because he got to trade his tablet PC for a proper laptop with a built-in CD drive (instead of a detached one)... so the up side is: we've been watching a couple of movies and I can play music on his computer. The down side is: we haven't put software on that computer yet to scale down our pictures... so my blog-writing incentive has been gone for about a week. oh how I love pictures. Maybe we'll install that program soon and I'll get more pictures up on here.
Ok, that's it for now. I'm still tackling my house little by little. I'm finding that vacation has a very long recovery period - there are still stacks of things to sort all over the house. Oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for opening up yet another window of your lives there. We love looking in on Redwood Cottage to see what's up. :) Yeah, when you were little, Joie, we would disguise some of the less favorite foods too. It sure works well. Keep doing what you are doing. You are a good mom. And we LOVED the e-mail yesterday. Yay!!! :) We send you BIG hugs - especially to those little cherubs in your house. mamma/mormor and pappa/morfar