Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

end of november

Just thought I'd write for a minute about how things are at our house for those of you who are curious. We had a busy weekend - went on a long walk, came back and cleaned the house up in hopes that this wouldn't be the last time the babysitters offered to help us out, and Nate and I dressed up fancy and went out to the Junior-Senior Banquet. It was a decent event as far as chaperoning goes considering that we got a nice meal with it.
Annie spent all day Sunday, Monday and Tuesday screaming at me, so yesterday I dragged the kids to the health centre here and showed her to the nurse. We determined that she is not just teething, but also sick - probably with some vaginal infection so she's on antibiotics now but still isn't quiet unless I hold her. Will has been falling down a lot with the seizures called 'drop attacks'. We just keep waiting and praying and dishing out the meds to our two invalids.

On a side note, my amazing husband found some broccoli which he bought for me and we cooked up for supper last night. He got it from the organic garden here. I was really excited to have broccoli and ceremoniously lifted the lid of the pan as I told Nate how it "smells like thanksgiving in America!" Then we both looked closely at the little things floating in the water. I thought it was just some scum, but as we looked closer, we saw that it was hundreds of tiny little bugs. : -(
So we rinsed them off and wondered how a vegetarian would feel about eating organic broccoli with cooked bugs all over it. And I wondered why it bothered me to eat little cooked bugs so much when I'm happy to eat chicken or snails or beef or snake or termites or grubs (and many many more strange things I have eaten in my day). I still don't know why, but it bothers me. And we won't be having cauliflower any more for awhile either because I had to dig a worm out of my rice and cauliflower lunch yesterday too. Why DOES it bother me?

Some more random thoughts: Will just came up to me and said, "Mamma, how you dwaw a bwoccowi?" And earlier this morning there were monkeys all over our garden/yard and they scared Will as they came right up to the other side of the glass and made faces at him. So at one point I looked in at him and he was standing by his bed with his eyes closed earnestly praying that Jesus would send away the monkeys. They're gone now and the garden is quiet.
Annie weighs about 6 kg (13-14lbs) - they say that babies usually weigh about 10 kg by their 1st birthday. She turns 1 on monday.
And that's how things are going here. I'm off to collect my screaming baby who decided she didn't want to nap nicely. Thanks for your prayers! :)


Anonymous said...

Yes, we can attest to the fact that you have really eaten lots of very wierd things in your life, Joie. So sorry that Annie isn't feeling well. Keep up the good work of loving on those little ones. You are so loved. mamma (for us here)

Joanna Goodman said...

hope the kids feel better, and that the monkeys leave Will alone! Love you, Jo

Anonymous said...

I had buggy broccoli a few weeks ago, and sluggy lettuce a few days ago. I get bothered too. I hope little Annie is feeling better soon and that your whole house enjoys some good, needed rest this weekend. Much love from us in Colombia.