Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Friday, August 8, 2008

growing growing growing

There's our Annie - for all of you who don't get to enjoy her these busy days.
I've always been amused by the road signs along our mountain road. This trip up from Delhi, Nate took some good pictures - this road sign makes us smile. It says: "Darling, do not nag me, as I am driving Instead turn your head, And enjoy the nature charming"!!!The view was amazing from about 4000 feet up, but by the time we were home, we were in the thick clouds of monsoon. These days are all rainy and damp and laundry takes about three days to dry if I hang it outside on three consecutive 'dry' days. The sky is continually overcast with spots of sunshine, and lots of drizzling interspersed with downpours. But I like this glum weather as it cheers the hillside with life. Everything is growing uncontainably and I find it refreshing.
There are certainly plenty of depressing things about the season besides the weather, though. Moss grows on every surface as does mold, and the abundance of flourishing plants does not even begin to rival all the bugs that seem to suddenly spring to life. Last night I found a scorpion crawling on our bedroom floor in the middle of the night, and we had leeches in a few of the dampest parts of our house when we returned from vacation. Nate had also forgotten a leather belt that was growing half an inch of mold all over it. And this week we've been spending the days scrubbing down walls, ceilings and floors to get rid of the dust and mold for awhile. Thankfully we'll be getting the rooms painted when monsoon fades away, but for now, we just keep tackling all the growth day after day after day.
My wee Annie has been growing like a weed too. She's still a tiny little lady - about the same size as our neighbor's 3-month old boy, but she's moving to the next level. Last night I found her standing up in her crib and she's spent most of today on her feet as well. Auntie guesses she'll walk in 2 weeks, at which time Annie will still be 8 months old -yikes! Her balance is still holding her back, however, but now she has crawling, sitting and kneeling down and she's just perfecting her standing. Yes, she's Trouble! Will seems normal and if his medicine works well, he should not have more seizures. However, life has changed for us as we no longer want to leave him on his own in case he does have another seizure. No more sending him outside to play by himself, to sit in the bathtub on his own, to use the toilet on his own, and if he's too quiet in a nearby room, we run to check on him - not because we're worried he's doing something naughty, but because we fear for his safety, we fear for his life. It's not actually very realistic to fear for his life, but we've found our minds wandering there because it is so unsettling to see our son in a seizure. We are learning to lean on God through all of this. Will is well, and we praise God for His timing, for His provision, for His goodness through all of this.


Anonymous said...

The sign cracks me up.

Unknown said...

Joie, your and Nate's trust in the Lord is truly encouraging to me. Over the past 2 years especially I have seen how suffering draws us closer to the heart of the Father. I used to think I was in control of my life. :) Thankfully, control is in the hands of One infinitely wiser and more loving! I love and miss the Burchells.