Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

new additions

Posh living:
Check out that massive 'new' white fridge! I can even put magnets out of my kids' reach. Below is a picture of the old blue one (gone now) which had a freezer compartment smaller than the microwave (which is also a recent addition - pictured above the cabinet in the photo above!). We've felt so blessed to have a big fridge, freezer, and microwave in our kitchen. Here's a picture of poisoning the vegetables so they're suitable to eat. The newest addition to our diet is the nice papaya because it's easy baby food and we recently remembered that we really DO like it!

Next are some pictures of our living room. If you came to visit us, here's what you'd see and if I put them all together, it'd be a panoramic shot... but alas, I don't know how to do that yet on the computer. Anyway, it's only temporary, since we'll be painting, and installing our wood stove and heavy floor mat when the monsoon ends. For now, it's nice to have new pictures on my walls and chairs in different places.

There's Redwood Cottage for you and a glimpse into our lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, we are SO glad you got a nice new BIG fridge. Yay!!!! Now you can make ice-cream when we come to visit. :)
We just love these pictures of your precious little family. And we miss you alot!!! mamma and pappa