Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Friday, May 30, 2008

"yong days"

These have been very very 'yong days' for us. Will's L's sound like Y's and often in the evening he'll sigh and say, "yong days" with a shake of the head and a serious tone. These have been very 'yong days'. Here are some pictures I've been meaning to post. Enjoy.
No, these are not gargoyals, they're just langour monkeys hanging out at our gate.
Pre-monsoon cleaning chez nous. Beneath our living room mat was a thick layer of dust - almost as tempting to play in as a sand-box. YUCK!
A Woodstock graduation ceremony in Parker Hall. Well done, Class of 2008. We'll miss you. Don't forget that you are KNOWN (Ps 139).
Annie was content to sit in her stroller tugging her bonnet off her fuzzy head.
Tired Burchells eager to spend the summer abroad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh! We are so looking forward to having you come abroad!!! Will, how come Pappa doesn't have a nice shirt like yours??? Hugs, hugs, hugs, Grandma Kate