Detta är Dagen

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24


Friday, March 28, 2008

Life goes on...

My brain is tired but I wanted to share a few pictures of life here.

All those toys and all the kid really wants is a cardboard box or a bucket of water!

Typical family dinner, except Annie doesn't usually sit in the high chair - she's too small for it, I just like trying it out. :)

Will has made a habit of dragging his chair, motorcycle, cars and books outside in the mornings. He sits and 'reads' by himself in the shade outside his bedroom window. Usually Auntie is hanging laundry up in the sunshine and I am attending to all of Annie's needs inside. I think Will got the idea from our weekend practice of taking chairs to the backyard and reading, singing, playing and talking together.
Will is such a loving big brother to Annie. He continues to be thrilled to have a sister and he loves to talk to her, play with her, share his toys with her, and be with her. I love watching them together. Today I was sitting at the table holding Annie while Will was finishing his lunch. Annie was grinning at him, and he started giggling. Pretty soon they were just looking at eachother and laughing back and forth until Annie got hiccups! I felt left out of whatever joke they were laughing at, but it was just so fun to see them so happy together. I pray that God will guard their relationship and make it rich. I hope I can video them together and post it on here sometime soon.
Here's a picture of Will helping Auntie shell peas. He loves to participate in everything she does around the house. I have no idea how we would survive without her tremendous help!


Anonymous said...

Thankyou so much for these .They made me smile. Especially the one of Will sitting outside his bedroom window having his 'reading time'. How cute. And what a great big brother he is.
hugs to you all
mamma/Karin for us here

Anonymous said...

Hey Joie! I'm so glad you're posting pictures. And I'm so glad Will and Annie are sweet to each other. That must be fun to watch. Looking forward to checking this spot...Good verse, too.

Laura Ibsen said...

Hey Joie!

I'm glad you have a blog now. All the cool people have blogs. :) Yeah - I'll definitely be around when you're in town. I'll be in Europe from May 10th - 24th, so I'm glad you're not coming then. I'm going to put June 11th - 13th on my caldendar right now!